Monday, April 03, 2006

ode to the crashed harddisk

in a term not too far ago
as far as my memory would show
the songs of an undistant past
the stories i once thought would last
but what patent nonsense!
oh what artful magnificence!

for the lost may yet be found
as sure as a watch tightly wound
is toward an eventual stop bound
only what sleeps deepest within
granted immunity from the recycle bin
would relish existing again

so there it goes, this hard drive
across the fairway and out of my life
when they call for your backing up
you must learn to not ever bochup
some say you'd remember if you care
but i say i forget and i still don't care

it's painful to lose 3 seasons of spongebob, 15gigs of pure aural pleasure, 2 years of photographs, photoshop works, mind-bending ideas, and everybody's birthdays. but guess what? i've learnt the importance of memory. and that is something i would never forget.

1 comment:

MARIA said...

I love your poems. Hug.