Friday, April 22, 2005

where have i been??

nice place, eh? Posted by Hello

my fellow countrymen in mugnation! Posted by Hello

my very own table in the lib... Posted by Hello

the table companions! Posted by Hello

my dearest jon~ Posted by Hello

my dearest alexis~ Posted by Hello

so you see... i havn't disappeared from the face of the earth! (tho i guess i'd probably prefer that state of existence... wait, is that a state of existence? or a state of non-existence? or is that a state of being that is extenuated by the didactic aggrandisement of squalid ersatz suzerainty? nevermind.) i've been busy trying to involve my lazy ass in productive activity! but of course, i havn't really produced anything yet. hmm. stay tuned for grades-day!! wahahahaha.

mugnation (n.) a despotic, totalitarian state committed to creating an orwellian dystopia on the premise of cryptic academic advancement, vague humanistic progress, and "mountains of cash." citizens may work without eating, sleeping, or thinking, while inadvertently reinforcing each others' belief in the lies of the mugging superstructure. a bi-annual ritual known only as "the finals" serves to occupy their very lives, with the outcomes being significant enough as to decide the future of each insignificant individual. other notable eccentricities of mugnation include: instant guilt from freedom or enjoyment, exceptional talent in digesting words without understanding, and altruistic waterbottle refilling volunteers.

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