g: there is so much evil... so much suffering... and i am helpless!
G: and there I am.
g: there is no good, only utter evil! the believer is squashed, the saintly are finished!
G: but behold, there I am.
g: the innocents continue to bleed unfettered... the tainted continue to feed their bloodlust, continue their abhorent bloodletting...
G: lo! there I am.
g: it's pointless! we're utterly defeated!
G: there am I.
g: it's useless! nobody will be saved!
G: there am I.
g: it's hopeless! the impending doom has consumed us!
G: listen, you who have ears. I am.
G: add the quotes, that much you can do.
g: "I am"...?
G: I am God.
g: god! what ever for? your pacifism... your justice... your love... "vanity!"
G: and still, I am.
g: and so what if you "are"? so what for your omni-whatever? "vanity!"
G: indeed, so what. but yet, I am.
g: spite? is that it? in spite of it all, you "are"? in spite of what you are, and who you are, is it not mere "vanity"?
G: aye... in spite of you. in spite of all who are evil. I am.
g: what... okay, time out. i'm lost.
G: glad you could admit it, dear. who am I?
g: you are god.
G: and so what! being god is no big deal, I assure you!
g: you are... almighty?
G: yeah yeah... omni-blah blah blah. like who cares, really.
g: you are...
g: ...
G: now THAT I am!
g: Love... God is Love... and that is not "vanity"?
G: many are the vain objects of human adulation. indeed, many they are. for one day, these objects will prove to have been in vain.
g: and what about Love... is not Love in vain as well?
G: Love is as I am. and I am beyond decay.
g: is that it? Love is timeless? and You base our salvation upon that one insignificant factor?
G: singular it is, but insignificant it is not!
g: look at Your creation, o mighty One... look at the senseless murder! look at the accelerated decay! look at the merciless evil! how significant is love? what love?
G: I do see, o little one. remember, it is part of My omni-gibberish.
g: and You see love?
G: I am the God of the Hopeless. and in each believer, saint, innocent, the bloodthirsty, the vile, the pointless, the defeated, the useless, the unsaved, the consumed, and the vain, I see Love.
g: ... this is beyond me.
G: you are off by a few centimetres, little one. this is in you.
g: it is? what is?
G: the Hopeless. the Love.
g: a Love for the Hopeless?
G: yes, my child.
g: i can Love the Hopeless?
G: as I am, you are.
g: and... through my paltry Love, i can show the world who You are?
G: and you already are.
g: ... man... i was so... hopeless!
G: and I am your God.
g: thanks G-man.
G: for what?
g: for bothering to listen to lil ol' me whining. You indeed are my God.
G: you're too kind. now get Loving.
1 comment:
Wow! This is great :) Thanks!
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