Tuesday, July 18, 2006

zionism? what the hell?

while i am still struggling to understand why human beings blissfully place so much authority and power into the hands of lethally armed and suspiciously unrepresentative governments, the news keeps pummelling my thinking space with jarring bad news. as we all know it, the eternal battle between "good" and "evil" now wears a new label as the unceasing Arab-Israeli conflict. some questions burn in my heart as i read abt the goings-on...

what is zionism?

what is arab solidarity?

what are the people on either side really dying for?

why are their leaders so willing to cause destruction and loss of life?

who gets to call whom good or evil, and on what basis?

what would i do if i were caught in such a situation as:
a) an "innocent" civilian caught in the hot zone;
b) a soldier called to "defend my country";
c) a political leader in a position to make impactful statements;
- and for what agency?

what else can i do, just as who i am right now?

people around the world are getting sick and tired of how power politics floods our senses with senselessness. the light-hearted try making bad jokes of missiles, pointless bravado and their leaders' intellects. the religious pray harder and harder at the expense of some of their faith. the young grow up either associating patriotism with wars or they simply become apathetic. miss universes and their calls for 'world peace' are becoming increasingly bimbotic statements with no relevance to reality. where is the love?

i want to change the world.

i want to impose my optimism on these dark times.

i want politics to stop invading our private lives.

i want our dreams to exit impossibility and appear in reality.

... and perhaps one day i will.

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