Monday, September 10, 2007

singapore, o quaint, lovely, orwellian city

haven't been bothered with local news for quite a long while now... been more concerned with everybody's spiritual growth most times. it brings nostalgia paralleling independent news reporters for my quaint city's news!

the latest intrigue comes from cops responding to Ultraman and friends. apparently some anime lovers were protesting with their toys (what an idea! skirt the laws!) at *Scape (i think it's that grafitti place in orchard) and that managed to attract 4 police buses.


what the biang, activate police bus free one or what? action figures also can activate! what if some real crime was happening elsewhere... oh right, what was i thinking? this lovely city never has crime to deal with anyway.

as mrbrown points out, the local media maintains radio silence on such quirky (and i believe, newsworthy) events - but Reuters has no govt muzzle (well at least it's not muzzled here la) so check out their article!

boy, i miss all this online jounalism man... it so makes me feel like i'm making a dent on the ideological superstructure without laying my arse on the line... har har har.

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